Jose Jimenez
Jose Jimenez
Software Architect & Developer
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Pro Tip: Filtering Queries with Laravel Eloquent's when() and whereRaw('0 = 1') for Accurate Results

November 30th, 2023 — Utilize Laravel Eloquent's when() and whereRaw('0 = 1') to conditionally filter queries and ensure no results are returned when no conditions are met.

Boosting Database Efficiency in Laravel: Master/Slave Setup and Replicated Reporting

October 30th, 2023 — Improve performance in Laravel by configuring read/write database connections. Also, discover the benefits of a separate replicated database for reporting.

Laravel Quick Tips: Simplify Your Eloquent Queries

September 29th, 2023 — Simplify Laravel Eloquent queries with these quick tips: use query() method and when() method for conditional queries.

Installing Homebrew and Using OpenConnect on Mac with shell to Manage VPN

August 29th, 2023 — Learn how to install brew and use OpenConnect on your Mac to manage VPN connections with a simple command. Stay secure and connected.

Running npm run dev Outside Laravel Homestead for Efficient Hot Reload with Vue.js

July 31st, 2023 — Boost your Vue.js development with faster hot reloads! Run npm run dev from your machine instead of Laravel Homestead for optimum performance.

How to Setup Fontawesome Library with Laravel 10, Inertia, and Vue 3

June 22nd, 2023 — Add stunning Fontawesome icons to your web applications in Laravel 10 with the help of Inertia and Vue 3 for an enhanced user interface.

Simplify Your Laravel Project Installation with One Custom Command

May 30th, 2023 — Simplify your Laravel project installation with a custom command. Read on to learn how to create one that installs your app on different environments.

Getting Next.js 13, Laravel 10, Sanctum, Homestead and custom domain up and running

April 20th, 2023 — Learn how to efficiently set up Next.js 13 and Laravel 10 with Sanctum using Homestead for local development, while also configuring a custom domain to enhance your development environment.

Using OpenAI's GPT Model to Filter Famous Personalities and Brands in Text Input

March 30th, 2023 — Discover how the OpenAI GPT-3 model can accurately detect famous people and brands from text input, useful for blocking or collecting user input. Its global training dataset makes it a powerful tool to leverage.

Stable Diffusion how many ways to train a model

February 28th, 2023 — Discovering the best method to train facial recognition models can feel overwhelming. Dreambooth and Textual Inversion Embeds have proven most effective.

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