Jose Jimenez
Jose Jimenez
Software Architect & Developer
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Streamlining Enum Class Naming in PHP with Laravel

Published in PHP, Laravel on Aug 6, 2024

When working with PHP Enum classes in Laravel, maintaining a consistent and intuitive naming convention can greatly enhance code readability and ease of use. This article provides a helpful tip for naming your Enum classes, which can be beneficial not only for Laravel but also for other frameworks or codebases.

Naming Convention for Enum Classes

A well-structured naming convention for Enum classes can make it easier to find and use these classes, especially when using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with autocomplete features. The guideline we recommend is to name the Enum class after the model and the column name it represents. This approach ensures that the Enum class is easily identifiable and logically grouped with the relevant model.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Creating the Enum Class

For example, let's say you have a Post model and you want to create a new Enum class for a column named status. You can create this Enum class using the Artisan command:

1php artisan make:enum Post/PostStatusEnum

In this command:

  • Post/PostStatusEnum indicates that the Enum class is related to the Post model and the status column.
  • We suffix the class name with Enum to clearly indicate its purpose.

2. Organizing the Enum Class

By default, Laravel will create the Enum class in the Enums directory, next to the Models directory. This organization helps maintain a clean and structured codebase.

For instance, the resulting directory structure would look like this:

2├── Models/
3│ └── Post.php
4└── Enums/
5 └── Post/
6 └── PostStatusEnum.php

3. Using the Enum Class in the Model

To make use of the Enum class in your Post model, you need to add it under the casts() method. Laravel's casting feature allows you to automatically convert attributes to and from common data types.

Here’s how you can add the Enum class to the casts() method in the Post model:

1namespace App\Models;
3use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
4use App\Enums\Post\PostStatusEnum;
6class Post extends Model
8 protected function casts(): array
9 {
10 return [
11 'status' => PostStatusEnum::class,
12 ];
13 }

By doing this, you ensure that the status attribute of the Post model is automatically cast to the PostStatusEnum class.

Leveraging PHP Enums Extended

To further enhance your work with Enums in PHP, you can leverage the PHP Enums Extended package. This package offers several helpers to work with enums that do not come out of the box with PHP or Laravel.


You can install the package via Composer:

1composer require josezenem/php-enums-extended


The PHP Enums Extended package provides additional functionality to work with Enums, including:

  • Convenient methods for common operations.
  • Enhanced type safety.
  • Improved integration with Laravel.

Refer to the PHP Enums Extended documentation for detailed usage instructions and examples.

Benefits of This Approach

  1. Improved Autocomplete: By following this naming convention, your IDE’s autocomplete feature will more effectively suggest the correct Enum class, saving you time and reducing errors.
  2. Better Organization: Placing Enum classes in directories named after their respective models keeps your codebase organized and easier to navigate.
  3. Consistency: Following a consistent naming convention across your codebase makes it easier for new developers to understand and work with your code.
  4. Enhanced Functionality: Leveraging the PHP Enums Extended package adds powerful features that streamline working with Enums even further.


Adopting a consistent naming convention for Enum classes in your PHP and Laravel projects can significantly improve code readability and maintainability. By naming the Enum class after the model and column name, and suffixing it with Enum, you make it easier to find and use these classes. Organizing Enum classes in the Enums directory, following Laravel's default structure, and utilizing Laravel’s casting feature further enhances the efficiency and clarity of your codebase.

Additionally, leveraging the PHP Enums Extended package provides powerful helpers and methods to work with Enums, making your development process even more efficient.